Thursday 17 May 2012

Dignity Vs. Material gain

Is it a race against time...?

Just how far would you go to gain that one thing that you have been longing for? It could be your dream house, your dream career, your dream car... name it!

Winston Churchill once stated “Never give in, never, in nothing great or small, large or pretty – never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.”

Most of us if not all have desires and dreams that motivate us to do the things we do. Many are the times I would sit on the couch and just take a few minutes or so, visualizing myself driving a sleek black Audi A5 or a Jaguar convertible and owning a house that is a replica of a palace...

Being part of the “Generation Y” these are just but a few things that we believe would make us be considered successful in society by our peers.
This not being the issue though, I was tickled at the discovery that many of us in the quest to achieve all these, fall prey to life's circumstances. Many cases have been reported of University students relying  on sugar Dads and Mums for financial support in exchange for sexual pleasure... such behaviors have even been extended to the corporate world where some people offer their bodies, bribes, and even forge  documents to earn favors and secure themselves a job or a promotion.
I recently attended a Press Con. and I was having a chat with one of the media practitioners on how hard it is nowadays for University graduates in Kenya to penetrate the job market due to lack of experience. He went ahead and stated that we ladies have an added advantage when it comes to securing an employment; for a reason or two, I thought all he meant was that we ladies are good at presenting ourselves image – wise and are therefore able to sell a corporate identity. I was wrong! all he meant is that we've got “supporting documents” that we could use to have it our way!

I would say maybe just this once, it is a race against time; sometimes we get too impatient with life and we end up compromising our dignity for material gain... Many have succeeded through these means to achieve whatever they wanted to, after all it's the easy way out... why should we go through the hustle?! One may argue...

I say, the decisions we make right now are gonna shape our future. You may have gotten that house, that car, that job and any other thing that you had desired but there are consequences. You may get everything you need now through these means but it will rob you of your happiness, dignity and respect in society.

There is no greater satisfaction in life knowing that everything you own and have achieved is as a result of your hard and smart work.
I can't wait to drive my Audi A5 or own a posh house; but I know for sure the time is coming..!

In context: is there any sense in having every material thing your heart could desire but loose your dignity in the process? Let you dreams motivate you to greater heights and make the journey worthwhile!

Dorcas Waringa
17th May, 2012

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