Friday 13 April 2012

*** The snippets of my life >>> after campus... (Part I)

“Introduced to this new world that I can’t seem to comprehend,,, away from the comfort of my buddies and tutors,,, I have interacted with people I never thought I would and some have ended up being my friends even though we struggle to understand each other’s point of view,,, they don’t understand why I have to do this,,, sometimes I just wanna break down and cry, but my smile is always bright,,, I have to fight,,, I’ve got to be brave,,, I’m gonna fake it till I make it!!!”
This thought had crossed my mind sometime back when I was on duty & I had just come back home from work… We all have stories to tell when it comes to life immediately after campus and the challenges we’ve gone through in the ‘outside world.’ Here is my own, presented in third-person point of view… though it is gradual…
One of my Lecturers at the University always compared life at campus to that of a passenger in a bus… This is a story of a lady in a bus who has to embark on this journey that would usher her to a whole new world totally different from the one she is used to.
During this journey; despite the hurdles that present themselves, everything works out well for her,,, but there is a big problem, she ain’t sure what life has in store for her at the end of the journey. In her mind, are her expectations, dreams and ambitions, very high indeed,,, as she alights from the bus to enter this new world...
Most of us if not all, get excited over the idea that they are through with the popular education system known as 8.4.4; I mean the surge of excitement that one feels when they are through with campus life and they know they are just about to graduate, the party that follows in their honor, while their family and friends shower them with praises following this achievement!
This being the case, even though the lady in question would always be anxious at the imagination of what awaited her at the end of this journey; she is just glad that it has come to an end! After all it has been years of dedication, smart and hard work to ensure she achieves her ultimate goal towards realizing her dream career; and the best way to crown it all is through a colorful graduation ceremony…
She alights from the bus and bids the driver goodbye, tears rolling down her cheeks. She had found a home in this bus: a family that had helped her grow in most of her life; spiritually, academically, socially, physically, psychologically, name it! This wasn’t just the normal bus that we get into and later come out not transformed; she had learnt a lot from her tutors, things she never knew before, met people she had not known and would later become her buddies… With them she had gone through amazing experiences and moments, even though life’s challenges were inevitable. The driver waves back at her and leaves; from this moment forward it’s gonna be a new beginning and all that is left with her are just memories of her journey in the bus.
Will her expectations be met in this new world that seemed promising and used to be just a part of her imagination...

Written by:
                 Dorcas Waringa
                 13th April, 2012

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