Wednesday 13 June 2012

"BREAKING NEWS..." Not again!!!

>>> Could this be a wake-up call..? 

“Breaking news” pop-ups have become the norm on our television screens nowadays. Don’t they just make your heart sink whenever they appear?!

I remember in my childhood days, every time the boldly typed pop-up would appear on our T.V screen, it would immediately hit me that a very serious tragedy had occurred somewhere around the country or the world… Growing up, I came to learn through my media studies that it is a special report that warrants interruption of normal programming, to show the latest, eagerly awaited more important, sensational etc. developments. The news doesn’t necessarily have to be a negative report though.

The tragic events that have been taking place in our country recently, could as well have partially justified my childhood thinking on what this pop-up meant! I believe that most people would share in my sentiments on this… that aside…

Don’t you find it strange these series of tragedies that have befallen our country lately? I am not sure about you, but as for me, I’ve got this persisting hunch that something isn’t right somewhere and I, just like many other Kenyans are finding it hard to comprehend all these!

June 10th, 2012 becomes the latest date that marks one of the darkest moments in the Kenyan history; with a high profile tragedy involving the death of a cabinet minister and his assistant, a pilot and co-pilot and two bodyguards, following a chopper crash. This is just one among many other tragedies that have over-shadowed our nation in the recent past; what is alarming though, is the increase in the number of deaths robbing us not only of our leaders but ordinary citizens too!

Even as we witness all these strange and mysterious happenings, many Kenyans are struggling to find answers to questions on why, what, who, and how? in no particular order. Questions we may never find answers to…

People gather in small groups at malls, market places, work places and social places in anguish trying to unravel the mystery behind this jinxed season in our nation.

Maybe this is a wake-up call… God’s ways of letting us know that we need to make things right as a nation; after all He is the only one who could possibly explain all these… OR maybe just there is something fishy going on in our country that we aren’t aware of… OR is this just the inescapable fate?

Think over it people! Think… think… think..!

Have a peaceful day y’all!

Dorcas Waringa
June 13th, 2012

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