Saturday 15 April 2017

At The Heart of Ubuholi Camp; Diplomacy Births Love

My perfect stranger

The long awaited week had finally come; we had just checked into the Ubuholi Camp for the 10th edition of the global youth diplomacy forum. The beautiful land of Imfihlakalo played host to a global community of young and aspiring diplomats from across the world in a 5 day long series of events that aimed to develop their skills in international affairs.

The land of Imfihlakalo is dominated by a large forest area part of which covers the Ubuholi Camp; its landscape formed a fairy-tale canopy above our heads as its fresh woody incense filled the atmosphere. The orchestra of birdsong could be heard within the scenery creating a symphony of song. We settled at an open space, where the trees fell away, revealing the glory of the sky, the forest awash with a tender glow. I give credit to the organizer as this was just the perfect environment for the forum, it was well thought through.
Photo Courtesy
We all gathered around the assembly point and were divided into several teams that were a representation of different regions of the world. Each team had an area that was marked and fenced with wooden rods such as a territory. We got acquainted to each other, pitched tent within our respective territories; lit bonfires had dinner and we were set for a good night rest. I must admit I was a bit anxious; my first camping experience wasn’t the best, I can remember swearing never to go camping again but here I was. Don’t we sometimes find ourselves going back for the same experiences we swore never to? All in all this was a unique opportunity; I wouldn’t have traded it for anything.

The rest of the days were marked by a series of fun activities, training and team challenges. The concept for the group activities and challenges was derived from the different elements of diplomacy of course to enable us gain further insights on global leadership influence and improving our interactions with different nations. I was privileged to lead one of the teams – Atlantis State and it was expected of us to apply in practice diplomatic skills with the Zothique State which was led by Liam. Two entities resolving state conflicts through communication and negotiations for a mutual understanding and peace. After which we were to submit our reports to the coaches on the final day.

I went over to the Zothique State to meet Liam so we could put together our final report following the progress on the negotiations, this must have provided the perfect opportunity for a casual interaction; we had never had the chance to share conversations beyond the forum. The first time Liam and I interacted during the team negotiations I had an unusual feeling that escalated to moments where we could steal glances at each other and look away quickly to avoid getting noticed.

Photo Courtesy
It was getting dark, the sun slowly falling behind the horizon as the entire Ubuholi camp became lit with large towering bonfires. Liam suggested he would walk me back to our camp; “Can we get away for a moment, let’s hang out by the waterfall I hope you don’t mind?” he whispered, slightly squeezing my hand as though trying to get my attention. Anxious, I agreed reminding him we couldn’t stay away too long as we needed to join the rest of the teams by the bonfire. This was our last night at the camp and so an evening programme had been prepared by the coaches to discuss a few insights as well as our highlights from the forum before we could leave the next day.

When the trees parted the waterfall came into sight, it was drizzling on the rocks and flowed smoothly down into the beautiful serenity-pool at the bottom. Liam had brought with him a wrap that we used to cover ourselves amidst the cold breeze, his embrace was heavenly. Our connection was out of this world, it felt like we had known each other our whole lives. In the depth of our conversation, the honey sweet smell of the spring flowers perked up our spirits and our senses became fully attuned. The drumbeats went on and intensified signalling the call to assemble. We walked back to the camping site our arms hugging each other’s waist, I must have stopped breathing in the moment; we were chatting and giggling and in certain instances lightly laying my head on his chest.

Photo Courtesy
The bales of hay had been beautifully set-up around the bonfire painted in the colours of the different states represented. As we all settled down on the bales, the coaches asked different representatives to share some of their experiences and highlights from the camp. 

Liam stepped forward and as he walked us through every bit of his experience he diverted, “This camp has completely transcended my expectation, I have learnt so much and its practical nature I came across a treasure. This experience has opened up my mind to very great insights and yet opened up my heart to a connection, the most amazing feeling. Dorcas, please join me.” At that point my knees felt week, my heart was racing and so much was going on through my mind; it was intense, was I really ready for this? He proceeded, “I have enjoyed the interaction I had with all of you but mostly with you Dorcas, you’ve made me feel so warm inside you’ve showed me life from a new and fresh perspective, it may be early to say what the end of the start of this new friendship will be, but I am ready to cross over to the next level with you as my girl. So what do you think; are you ready to get on this ship with me? I remembered the days I prayed that it would happen so naturally, the path through my passion was opening up a world I had shelved and here I was in this foreign land, a stranger I was just getting to know calling for my heart.

And in that moment we looked straight into each other’s eyes, my heart jittery; I knew the Ubuholi Camp would mark the beginning of a story of a love birthed; in the heart of diplomacy nations reconciled and two strangers made perfect. As the whole camp cheered on... I awoke flutters and warmth still linger in the memory of it.

A tale from the Ubuholi Camp, inspired by a dream

Written By:
Dorcas Waringa
15th April, 2017 


  1. I love this. I really love your unique way of describing scenarios making the reader feel like s/he there with you. I pray that you find your Liam in the midst of this jungle we call life.
    Keep writing hun. You inspire me in more ways than you can imagine.
