Friday 3 February 2017

Lace up | Get on track

Sometimes all that matter is that you believe in yourself and that should be your starting point...

Growing up as a teenager, I used to spend part of my sporting days on the track; I remember so vividly how sweet the taste of victory was and the disappointment that also came with not winning because all that mattered then was getting ahead of my competition!

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As a youth I have been introduced to the art of running a marathon for charity and through my participation, I got a whole new perspective on competitions. My decision to participate in similar marathons has been based entirely on achieving an objective for a cause as well as proving to myself I could do it. At the end of the race I’ve always realized that it’s not just about winning but the satisfaction that comes with completing the race. 

There are different kinds of people that you’ll find on the running track: those that run all through to the finish line and those that walk in between runs, those that stumble, fall, get up and continue on the race and those that would rather opt out after the fall.

An experience on the running track is a reflection of our journey in life and especially towards setting goals and realizing our dreams. I have a picked a few lessons and values from my experience on the track that can be applied in every aspect of our lives; be it education, career, relationships or family.

Set Your Goal and Focus on It
We have the ability to achieve anything if we set our minds to it and sometimes if one thing doesn’t work for you, how about exploring a different option? Anything from charity races, casual jogs, walks, cycling, or competing in major marathons whatever your end goal is get on your track and keep focus. 

I have realized over time that while we live in a digital age, there’s a lot of distraction (on social media) especially among the young people. We realize that we spend a better part of our life distracted; comparing ourselves with our peers, psychologically being in competition with them and wanting to be better. Comparison slows progress; more often than not, you end up walking in someone else’s shadow, in turn failing to explore your potential to the fullest. It sets you up for depression, feelings of unworthiness and discontentment.
There’s always going to be somebody who’s better than you, how about you use it as a motivation to push you forward towards achieving your own goals?

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Prepare, Plan and Pray
There’s a certain level of dedication, that’s required in training and practice before setting yourself for the track. We are required to prepare ourselves mentally, physically and emotionally for every task involved towards accomplishing our dreams. With preparation comes planning and identifying the right tools and networks.
If you believe in a higher being, you understand the importance of prayer and dedicating your plans and dreams to God; you’ll need His guidance, enough strength and wisdom to overcome every obstacle while pushing yourself forward.

You Will Face Obstacles
It is always exciting when you think about how big your dreams are and what a joy it would be to see them come to life. Life rarely goes exactly as you plan; setbacks and obstacles will be part of the process. And when these obstacles arise they make the goal seem kind of improbable. Your success will depend on how you tackle or manage them.

This is a case of mind over matter, the reason obstacles plunge us into a state of inactivity and prevent us from moving forward is because of the thoughts that we allow ourselves to dwell upon. Acceptance of your current situation and keeping a positive mind-set goes a long way towards overcoming these obstacles.

Always Keep Your Head Up After the Fall
No matter how many times you fall, because you will and sometimes your world may come tumbling down; never lose your vision. Be consistent, get up, and dust yourself like the proverbial donkey that fell in a pit and keep going.
We stumble not because our dreams are out of reach, but rather because of the unforeseen obstacles. There are days getting through life will be painful, keep pushing through the pain. Endurance builds character, this is how you know that you are destined for greatness.
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Celebrate Every Little Milestone
It is important to celebrate your milestones whether big or small, this helps a great deal towards motivating you to take a bigger step than the one you’ve previously achieved.

You can’t just wake up one morning and voila! Everything has fallen into place. It takes a series of small achievements to run a marathon; you begin with a few kilometres and graduate to higher levels bit by bit. Just the same way, achieving that ideal balance in your life takes smaller steps, mistakes, learning and growth.

Written By: Dorcas Waringa | 3rd February,2017| Copyright;

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