Friday 1 August 2014


Just how much is too much? Who’s the Judge when it comes to an individual’s spending?

I recently had a discussion with a friend after watching this one particular episode of “My Dream Wedding” that featured a couple that was so determined to realize their dream wedding regardless of what it would take and how much it would cost.

The catch was, their budget; it cost them a whooping 136,596 dollars to finance the event this translates to about Kshs.12 million. While some of us were left intrigued, others were in awe and the rest holding their chins in thought wondering if they had a chunk of the moolah they would invest it elsewhere! As some would share in the same sentiments I feel otherwise. 

Here’s my perspective:

Most of us if not all have luxury goods/activities that drive us into a frenzy and regardless of their expensive nature we would go rushing to the bank, right? Could be your dream car, house, vacation or like the couple your dream wedding.

One would argue that a wedding is just a one day affair and so you really don’t need to spend that much. They might have a point, but look at it this way… you probably might never have a second opportunity to make it happen. What if that was the last thing you had to celebrate together? I believe in living a fulfilling life within your means though, if your dream is big then the more you’ll have to part with/the more sacrifices you’ll have to make to realize it and if you have the cash and resources, why not? Of course by the time you are spending that much you definitely will have sorted out the other key areas of your life. You don’t want to walk out of a celebration broke!

Setting Boundaries

Kat Kinsman – CNN once stated that, “It's easy to get caught up in a nuptial excitement. At every turn, family members, friends, experts, magazines, blogs are there to offer inspiration and instill panic. A bride or groom's "nice-to-have" is inevitably someone else's essential ("You can't possibly get married without a DJ, champagne toast, church full of flowers, fill-in-the-blank!").”

At the end of it all the couple still remains married regardless, your car doesn’t seize being a car because someone else has a more expensive one.

Growing up, I learned all kinds of money lessons from my influencers, but one thing that stuck was the fact that after a hard day’s job after considering investing my money on what I deem necessary, there’s me to reward.

You want that expensive car, go for it! You want that expensive house, go for it! You want to go on an expensive vacation… do it! Do it within your means, set the boundaries! Once in a while it’s always good to reward yourself. I have interacted with people who are extremely frugal, it is good to save but at the same time you don’t want to miss out on the exciting bit of life. 

Who’s the judge?

More often we usually judge other people’s spending and chances are, we’re usually right. Yet each time we judge others’ spending, we’re less likely to actually look at our own spending and do something about it. And just as we think someone else probably overspends on “ridiculous” things, so do we.

I’m a believer of spending extravagantly on the things I love, while cutting costs on the things that really don’t matter as much to me.

It’s clear, that after all’s said and done you are the ultimate boss when it comes to your spending, search deeply within your conscience and if at peace… make the decision.

There are so many things that we want out of life, but only a limited time on earth to accomplish them. All these are possible, but we need to do it within our means and let you be your own judge.

Could be you are about to take that pricey stride down the aisle, to the car dealer, on a vacation to the Maldives, or you are yet to undertake on a pricey project; think critically,,, be your own judge!

Written By: 
Dorcas Waringa
1st August, 2014

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