Friday 9 March 2012


“Life is a gift and it offers us the privilege, opportunity and responsibility to give something back by becoming more”…I echo the words of Anthony Robbins.

09’ has been a year of its kind; making new connections, new friends, taking risks, being more adventurous, giving back to the community, achieving some of my goals…By the way, how could I forget that this is the year I bid bye to teenage hood and hit 20***

Every year comes with its good and bad and I must say this year was not any different when it came to struggling with the inescapable fate…but thanks to the almighty I was able to sail through. Just as in the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins, not through strength but by perseverance.

Friends as we usher in the New Year, new thoughts sprout from fertile ground and as it beckons us with many promises, don’t forget to give the old year its due. Learn from past mistakes and carry the lessons of time with you.

As for me though, as the year ends, its neither an end nor a beginning for me but a going on with all the wisdom that experience has installed in me.

As I sit on the couch to sip my drink, I’d like to propose a toast to

Me: that I will always be the best that I can be, by being myself and letting my qualities show.

My family: You mean a lot to me, you have shaped my life to what I am today and I don’t regret…thanks Mum and Dad, my two sisters and brother. I wish u all success and happiness in all your life endeavors.

My friends: That we will always be the best of friends, stand by each other and learn to share in each other’s successes. All the best pals, Mwaah!


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