Friday 9 March 2012


***It’s finally here..! We all get excited when we wake up to the ushering of a new year. I always like reflecting on the year that was; so as to be able to contemplate events that graced it & appreciate this far the Lord has brought us!

2011, like any other year, brought with it the good & bad… there were times I laughed & other times cried … it’s just the course of life & so I kept walking! It is the year, my patience was highly tested!

Just like the beginning of each year, 2011 looked promising and I had high expectations in terms of what I wanted to achieve... I had set targets, some of which were met while others were not… This is the year I graduated (I thank God for this) & had my first work experience; getting a feel of what it meant to work under somebody… I must admit it wasn’t easy for me at first,,, it’s totally different from school life ..!

Life’s full of surprises though, a month later, I had to experience & witness a soul of a loved one fight to death; the days I had to take care of grandma in her sick bed & the struggles she went through till her last breath… this was my most disturbing experience in 2011…

Through this confusion, I could only say it’s been real; but all in all it’s been a year of giving back to society, being adventurous, spending some good time with friends, trying out new things, making more friends, making daring moves on people I never thought I would & much more …

This is just a summary on what the year was all about for me… I would say; I have learnt a lot from it … to be patient, persevering, & that not all things work as planned; that life can sometimes disappoint you & that you should always be ready for it!

I would always say; as the year ends, it’s neither an end nor a beginning for me but a going on with all the wisdom that experience has installed in me.

I would like to propose a toast; 

To the year that was, 2011;
 We all had some surprises, didn’t we? Some good, some distressing. Let’s use everything we got from our experiences, everything we learned, to enrich the New Year.

To the new year, 2012,
And even while we’re delighting in new treasures, let’s appreciate fully what we already have - the blessings we take for granted.
To God:
My fortress, my hope, my everything … thank you so much for being patient with me & for always keeping me going even at my weakest state.

To our dreams...
… Never stop believing in them and taking the actions that will make them a reality.  Let us focus on our goals and work toward our dreams, and yet (smile), let’s all try to go with the flow a little more and stress a little less.

To my family;
Thank you, for believing in me & for supporting me through the year. Your encouragements and the potential you see in me, have kept me going & I am gonna make you proud for sure!

And here’s to all you wonderful buddies; I would like to thank you all for brightening my days and for always being there for me … let’s support each other through thick & thin & help one another in achieving our goals! Let’s keep the spirit of togetherness burning***
I love you all so much!

***A Very Happy & Blessed New Year to all of us!!!***

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