Sunday 1 March 2015

The Deep Dive For New Ventures

Sometimes all it takes is acting on that daring whisper in your gut instinct that says… “Go for it!”

I used to think Entrepreneurs are geniuses, sometimes I still do; that this sphere was for the chosen few; those that are rich and daring enough.
Time has however proved this to be a fallacy, I have come to realize that any successful Entrepreneur’s journey began with just a single idea and turned into a multi-million dollar international brand. I do listen to young people speak about their passion, their dreams and all I see is untapped potential.
Watching shows like Shark Tank inspires millions of people across the world, these business Sharks each have a story to tell of their beginning and sometimes more often than not it’s not what we perceive it to be. It’s important that anyone who aspires to be an entrepreneur be daring and willing to take risks and follow their vision even if at times it might appear to be leading them to a crag.
Photo Courtesy: TV by the numbers
In my journey to discovering my purpose, passions and dreams  I have certainly walked through the crag not once but a number of times; be it financial, mental, physical or both. This becomes an inevitable part of growth as an entrepreneur as this discovery is linked with taking risks.
No matter what career path you have chosen, launching your first startup requires one to be enthusiastic, self-motivated and excited about that particular project. Human beings thrive best when it comes to what they love doing rather than what they have to do.
Whether employed or self-employed your zest for your business/career and your ability to learn and listen is directly connected to how well you enjoy your work. This can be enhanced by having the right perspective and attitude. Maintaining a negative view or a pessimistic outlook or remaining stuck in on lack of motivation can turn a great business idea into a failure. Think about what you excel at, not what you lack, especially when first launching a new business. Focus on your end goals not all the little steps you must take to get there. 
I love studying the human character and especially how they react to their work and personal life. I watch people wake up very early, take the bus and head to work you can see their determination from a distance not until you interact with them. This has become the routine, we do things because we have to do them but not because we want to or enjoy doing them. I call this the Zombie Mode; a condition in which one is not able to function properly throughout the day and general malaise. We live once and life is not a rehearsal why waste it doing things that don’t bring out the best of you?!
In the words of Kian Kaze (RockstarPreneur), “if you’re someone who believes in going your own way and in having a lot of fun doing it - which it sounds like you are - then you’re already on the right track. Go ahead wear your passion on your sleeve for all to see and do a lot more listening than talking. And remember when in doubt, trust your instincts.”
It’s time we stopped taking the back seat and hoping somehow things are going to work out. Remember, it only took an idea to create an empire for most of these successful entrepreneurs. Don’t underestimate the power within you; don’t underestimate your abilities; sometimes all it takes is for you to act on that daring whisper, have a winning spirit, love what you do and determination to prepare yourself for the journey unknown.
“If you can't figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.” -- Bishop T.D. Jakes
Written By:
Dorcas Waringa
28th February, 2015

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