Sunday 15 July 2012

*** Snippets of my life >>> after campus ... (Part II)

After the Grand finale party >>> What next?

I am hoping that by now you have read part I of “Snippets of life after campus” to fully connect with what am talking about.

I had stated earlier that one of my Lecturers used to compare life in campus to that of a passenger in a bus… and after alighting this bus many always find themselves in very interesting situations!

The graduation mood… the week just before graduation is one that is always full of happy moments and anxiety! I remember being so excited about it and as we lined up to go pick our gowns, most people especially the ladies would take their time just to get the right one that fit… really? those gowns are so oversize & it would take a century trying to find the perfect fit! You should have seen the expression on the faces of the dudes on the queue… for them it was a long wait; but I guess we ladies are just special.

On the D-day; the rehearsals have been taken care of and everything is set… the excitement, still intact: for a reason or two I arrive at the graduation square late and to make it worse I find my seat missing: each seat had a name tag on it, it was there a day before and now missing?! You can imagine how frustrating it is! At that minute I am up and about looking for the registrar: wait, and how I’m I gonna explain that my seat was present the day before and now it’s missing; it’s not like I expected her to do much considering the fact that she had already lined up for the procession, but somehow I felt like it would offer me some sense of relief. I finally spot her and I go like ‘ummhhh… excuse me Madam, my seat is missing!’ everyone on the queue by now including the Vice Chancellor has this ‘are you nuts?’ look on their face, just then… ‘I thought I had shown you how to adjust your gowns, come closer’ what? that’s all she could say, and as if to console me… she adjusts my hood and the cap and then she releases me! I mean that’s all she did..! Let me just say, my excitement had been driven away by little frustrations that accompanied the day.
Despite the excitement and all, I have learnt that Graduation days do sometimes present a lot of confusion and drama, actually that was not the only situation that I was faced with, there were quite a no. and later I came to discover that I wasn’t the only one who went through some sort of confused moments going by my friends stories a few days later… though this just a by the way.

After the party… what next? When being ushered in to this other side of life which many like to refer to as the “Outside world” the fresh graduate is usually celebrated by family and friends and all sorts of advice given. What happens a few days later is quite interesting… What was it like for you, just in case you have experienced it?! This is the period I usually refer to as “The defining moment” it’s like that moment when one ponders on what to do and all the dreams and aspirations you had while at the University suddenly strike your mind; and you are left wondering where to start from, who to call, probably those that had been promising to take you in their organizations immediately you graduate.

I can assure you that after the graduation party everyone is back to their business and you were possibly thinking that they would be around to walk the rest of the journey with you! When I graduated, trust me, for a reason or two I thought and expected that I would achieve quite a good number of things that I had planned to while at campus; I must have imagined that if I applied for a particular job opening as long as I met the requirements stated, it would automatically be mine!

This is the moment reality comes hitting back at you and all your fantasies from campus are merely turned into shadows…!

{You must be wondering by now how I survived without a seat on my graduation day, somehow when I went back to the graduation square a friend of mine had already sorted me out and there I was comfortably seated!}

The story still continues… Part III of Snippets of life after campus…coming soon!

Written by:
Dorcas Waringa
July 15th 2012

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