Sunday 30 October 2016

Gambles & Tumbles

Rising above the gamble patch

“Today, we give you the power to read and do all what appertains to your degree. Go ye out there and prove it to the world that you are a product of whose quality is guaranteed…”

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Let me to take you back to the day you shifted your tassel with so much enthusiasm and the joy of conquering the journey that had been had engulfed you; the fruit of the years spent cultivating what would now be the foundation of your career. The words that gave you strength and confidence; it was going to be fine, after all you had the weapon – Education, so you thought. You are released to the labour market, to face society, and prove to yourself that you are indeed ready to take on the world.

Flash-forward to the present day and we are painted a very complex picture, they say experience is the best teacher; I’m yet to ascertain if by “best” they had in mind the harsh reality that comes with that bit of learning. You also realize that part of learning entails gambling through life, falling, rising, laughter, sacrifice and pain; it’s a whole network of actions and emotions.  I have interacted with a number of people mostly graduates; those currently unemployed, employed or self-employed who are still on the journey trying to gain a sense of themselves in the world. In case you are wondering whether their career is shaping up exactly how they had imagined it would a few years down the line; it’s not the case. I guessed so at least for most. 

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The reality is that most either love their career, earn less than they expected, are surviving through it but it’s taking a toll on them. In real sense a number are going through the gambling patch, you try one thing when it doesn’t work you try another until you reach the goal of finding a sense of fulfillment. If you have tried to reach your goal and tumbled because you encountered a hurdle, don’t stop - jump higher.  And sometimes before you figure it out; it’s normal to find yourself caught up in the gamble and tumble of life. The fact is that you’ll be confronted with a climb, more complex and sometimes difficult than you had envisioned; that is the nature of goals.

In the quest for sustainability in your life or career, you’ll be taken into a new territory, fear and doubt will engulf you, you’ll experience meltdowns and so many times feel overwhelmed but you’ll have to make a decision and a commitment to yourself. The decisions you make at this point in life are very critical in determining your chances of success, your ability to navigate your way through.

No matter how scary, stuck or uncertain you might feel about your situation, relax and take some time on introspection, pray and take action; take the necessary steps you would need to gain new tools and concepts to move forward on your goal. You’ll also need as much optimism and drive required in tackling it.
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When you’ve gambled through life and failed enough times always remember that “You try things, some work, some don’t, and you do more of what works.” Sometimes to find a clear sense of direction towards achieving your goals and making bolder steps up the ladder, you have to keep an open mind. No one ever wants to experience setbacks or failure; it can be so disheartening especially for a perfectionist and can push you over the edge in worst cases. I am still learning that sometimes it helps to redefine failure, to take it as an opportunity to re-evaluate yourself, shift your course and find new motivation.

If you are a young graduate and you’ve probably heard different experiences of those ahead of you, don’t fret, and just don’t keep your hopes too high as well. Set reasonable goals, pray, build your confidence muscle; to break through in a world where there’s so much intimidation, you’ll need this. The challenges you’ll face in the course of your journey will however offer you opportunities to gain mastery over your career and life.