Saturday 17 September 2016

As the Tide Goes Out

The walk along tide-pools into the deep sea

A few years back we went on a campus vacation to the coast and while at it, there was a proposal that those interested could explore the ocean. If you’ve ever been to the beach, you understand that there’s a certain period of time when the tide goes out, the level of the water decreases and the flow of the water is stronger going out. This is the time most tourists on vacation prefer walking along the tide –pools deep into the ocean to get a glimpse of all sorts of sea creatures and features. 

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I wasn’t so sure I was ready to take that walk; I have always been partially thalassophobic. This notwithstanding, deep within I felt the need to conquer, besides, it would have been a unique addition to the list of my adventures and so we began the walk. The guide briefed us and we were strictly instructed to follow his foot path as there are specific areas that were to be avoided and considered unsafe. Let me state that by the time we were being warned of the areas to avoid, I felt a strong need to go back – doubt had engulfed me. How was I going to survive this, dodging the sea urchins, the heat, what if the tide comes in halfway the walk? I had no choice but to proceed, there’s no way the guide was going to keep the rest waiting and guide me back to the shore.

I must admit, that if you would watch anyone walking past the tide-pools you would think it’s an easy walk. It was one of the most difficult walks I’ve ever experienced, the deeper we went the more interesting and exciting it became but also the harder it was trying to keep balance and keeping sight of the dangerous underwater creatures. The lagoons were a sight to behold, a captivating beauty of nature. Walking back to the shore before the tide came in required a similar level attention, still holding on to my fear I unintentionally stepped on a sea urchin. Naturally sea urchins release poisonous stings in defense when they are stepped on, and if the sting isn't removed in good time it might cause damage to  one's system - it hurts but I guess that’s just one of nature’s bad side. At that point I was overwhelmed with regret as to why I decided to take on that walk despite feeling constrained.

This experience is a basic reflection of our real life encounters. Most of us if not all have goals and dreams that we hope to achieve, it may be related to personal growth, relationships, career or family among others. However, attempting to move through the noise in our minds can be so overwhelming. Our fears can sometimes drive us off balance or even cause us to get bogged down in apathy especially when we have to deal with change or venture into unfamiliar territories. 

Occasionally when we experience a constant self-doubt that we aren’t prepared or smart enough, we end up not enjoying the process or our success. Just as my reaction to the sea urchin sting, we are often quick to beat ourselves up in regret at the slightest encounter of failure. 

Life’s inevitable stings will always parade in the way of your goals or dreams; perhaps you’ve hit a career wall or you are facing a personal challenge that simply won’t go away. You don’t have to give up, many people have, but it doesn’t have to always be the case. Your dreams will take you into a new territory and bring you face-to-face with your own fears and doubts. The issue is not about how to avoid fear, but how to make positive decisions that boost your confidence while fear is present.

Photo Courtesy
Whenever you find yourself off-centred, tap into your inner centre on what you can do to eventually bring yourself back on balance. Trying to find the perfect balance as you pursue your dreams will bring along stress, fear, doubt; this experience is precisely important in shaping your confidence. Learn to always keep your options open as the world is changing too fast and be ready to take risks. You do not always have to make decisions when your journey is easy, you have to do it when it’s hardest to do so. That’s because to break through what is holding you back, you have to go through the fear and doubt. Tough choices are self-empowering, hence leading to personal growth.

As the tide goes out and the noise in your head settles, take on that walk with confidence. It’s not going to be easy, in fact once in a while you’ll unexpectedly step on the urchin and when life stings it will hurt but always remember to get rid of the sting and get back on your feet.