Thursday 31 December 2015

Bits & Pieces: Reflection of the Year that has been...*

Ringing out 2015...Ringing in 2016

The year that has been in review has always been about goals, achievements, flops and hope for the New Year. I’m still in awe at how time has gone by so fast; it almost feels as though the year 2015 briefly or never happened. However, as it is the norm it’s that time of the year when most of us reflect on the bits and pieces that shaped the year that has been.

 In reflection I always like reviewing the script of my life; to be able to make sense of the happenings and to connect the dots. The year 2015 began a bit differently as compared to my previous years; this year marked my journey breaking free from my “safe zone” to explore foreign territory and brave the storm that presented itself during several instances. In as much as the world in several cases only gets to see the end product, without a doubt sometimes it felt like walking uphill in the snow, a roller-coaster of emotions along the way; moments of success, celebrations, challenges, meltdowns, investments that fell through, built up anxiety and game-changing strategies.

This notwithstanding though; with every experience comes learning and with a series of success a number of flops. I could have chosen to keep it safe, never venturing into the deep end of the pool. But the reality of life is that progress calls for action, it’s not always straightforward but an unfolding journey.

All our paths are different, every human being is on their own unique journey and in all that we have devoted ourselves to, the trick is to see and surrender to it… it’s no easy feat. It’s a commitment to a future that’s certainly uncertain and without promise of anything other than living close to our desired goals. Every day, we must find the courage and resolve to keep strong, depend on God guidance to swim against the tide, align our actions with our passions, goals and dreams.

The flip-side

In the quest for career independence, there are days I felt like I was going in circles and not making any progress… at least not the kind of progress I was expecting. But with this struggle came growth and maturity, I must mention that you only get wiser with and experience!

In the words of Leah DiPascal; sometimes we have plans and dreams we want to fulfill. But life can get confusing at times along the way. And most days it seems like we’re just surviving instead of living out those dreams or accomplishing our goals. There have been days I’ve felt like one foot was fixed to the floor, while the other foot scurried in every direction. Expending a lot of energy and mental fatigue, but going nowhere. I am almost sure a number of people can relate to this experience. 

In light of the New Year slowly approaching, it is important to understand that we all are in a state of transformation. Getting prepared for a new beginning, we have to shed the old skins and learn to live in a different reality and understand that whatever we do has an impact on everything that is! Like a butterfly let’s rise into infinity, against all odds.

Written by:
Dorcas Waringa