Tuesday 14 August 2012

>>> A Cry of an abandoned soul

When there was me
When there was me and you
Growing inside of you… I mean our life together
We were so inseparable then, not even the air we breathe could separate us
You were so happy to have me, just as I was happy to have you
Each time I moved or kicked, I could feel the excitement in you
Because each movement I made then, was an assurance that all was well with me.

I miss the days, when you would share with your friends the joy of having me
On this day, I could feel that you were in so much pain
You kept pushing for me to come out of you but I wouldn’t move
I kept wondering why you had to interfere with my comfort
So scared; I didn’t understand why you kept pushing me away.
At last you managed to push me out and I let out a loud cry, perhaps to show that I didn’t like the idea.

Everyone around was so happy to receive me as you passed out from fatigue
I was afraid then that you would leave me
Just then I heard the lady holding me saying “Meet your mummy little one”
I looked deep into your eyes and smiled
But you never smiled back
What was my sin mummy?

You packed our bags and we left for home.
I could feel that you were not happy
At some point you even broke down in tears
I wish I could help, but all these was new to me
You looked so helpless and you kept whispering in my ears “I love you, but I have to do this child”
What did you mean by this?

Last night I couldn’t sleep
There was darkness all around me: I couldn’t see a thing
I was overwhelmed by the bitterly cold weather
The croaking of frogs and chirping of crickets, confirmed my fears,,,
I opened my eyes wide, looking around for you…
But you were nowhere to be seen!

Just then, I remembered your words “I love you, but I’m sorry I have to do this child.”
Everything was clear now…
I was all alone in a pit!
Not even my cry could, call for my rescue
You had already left, left me for good
What was my sin Mummy?

I must have fainted from too much crying
Because the next time I opened my eyes
I noticed the beautiful smile on your face
I smiled back in gratitude for coming to my rescue
Just then, I was interrupted by a cry that was almost similar to mine
When I looked around to see who it was, I discovered that I was in a home for abandoned children

The lady who had smiled back at me wasn’t you Mummy!
Where are you?
We were so happy together
For nine months you held me so close and tight
Only for you to let go of me and leave me in a pit for dead
What was my sin Mummy?

Saved by an angel
I have found a new family in this home
They’ve showered me with so much love, but I’ll forever miss my Mummy’s love
I have forgiven you, because my heart only knows love, that’s what I learnt within the nine months that we were together
I may not be able to understand why you had to do this, but all I know is that I still love you and you once loved me too!
And so I ask… what was my sin?
Written by:  Dorcas Waringa
<<In the shoes of  children abandoned by their mothers at birth>>
14th August, 2012